Ceila VanDeGraaf
Chair, Membership Committee
Executive Director, Center for Survivors of Torture, Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, and San Antonio TX
Celia VanDeGraaf, M.A, has over 25 years of experience in non-profit management. Committed to holistic health, she directs CST’s healing program, which eases survivors’ transition into new beginnings and fosters hope by providing specialized services addressing psychological, medical, social needs, and legal referrals, and by delivering training opportunities. Accountable for all administrative, development, programmatic, and fiscal management operations and communications. Responsible for HIPAA compliance, accounting, social media and outreach, monitoring, and evaluation. Links with university programs, hospitals, and medical schools to train staff and clinical interns, treating international trauma survivors. VanDeGraaf has been recognized for her contributions, winning the Ed Wendler Award for service in the refugee community.
A subject expert regarding torture treatment in Texas, she is Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Texas, Clinical Psychology Department, ranked 4th in the nation.